

July 17, 2006 See News Release

May 27, 2006

All of the cart parts are completed and the edges are back filled. General clean up is under way.

November 26, 2005
Cart paths are completed on holes 10-18 and 1-4 tee.
4 green, 5,6, 7 tee are stoned and ready for paving.
8 Green and 9 tee are beinging prepped for stoning.

November 4th, 2005
The 8+ inches of rain in October has slowed the paving of the cart paths. With the recent break in the weather the contractor will focus on paving the areas already stoned and stoning the areas that are excavated.

September 27th, 2005
The cart part is completed from: 1 tee to 4 tee; from 10 Tee to 13 tee; 14 green and 15 tee.
Please keep all 4 wheel on the path. The grounds crew is working to establish grass on the edges.

preparing the ground for the path on 2.

Path was rerouted into the grove of
trees on the left side.

paving 12 green/ 13 tee area
finished path on 11 fairway

September 10th, 2005 - Path is paved from the front tees on 2 through 4 tee. Next week the work area will shift to the back tee on 2, 1, 10 and 18 green.

September 3, 2005 The work on the cart paths is about 1/2 way completed. Paths are completed on 10 green to 13 tee and 2 green and 3 tee. Please be alert to changing traffic patterns. Please keep all 4 wheels on the paved paths while the edges are being filled in and seeded.

Aug 4, 2005 replacement of the cart paths has started. Please be alert to changing traffic patterns.

July 24, 2005

Replacement of the cart paths will start on or about August 1st, 2005.

May 20, 2005

The final bit of bent sod has been laid on the 16th and 17th tees.

The section below is from Ann Murphy Executive Director Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association

CRC Completes Stream Restoration at Edgmont Country Club

On May 14th, 2005, the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association completed the third and final phase of a restoration of 660 feet of Plumsock Run, a tributary of Ridley Creek, at the entrance to the Edgmont Country Club golf course in Edgmont. The goal of the project, which was designed by Delaware Riverkeeper Network and funded by the Conservation Fund, was to convert an out of play area into a no- mow and riparian buffer to stop streambank erosion, filter lawn treatments and storm water runoff, and provide for wildlife and native plants. Located at the entrance to the course, and visible from the east bound lane of West Chester Pike, the project is also a demonstration of environmentally responsible, watershed-friendly golf course management.

Eroded streambank's were regraded and stabilized with fiber matting and live dogwood “stakes” in early April. On Earth Day, CRC volunteers and Township manager Samantha Reiner planted 175 trees and shrubs along the stream. The final step was the replacement of about one acre of turf with “no-mow” areas of wildflowers and native grasses by scouts from Chester Country Troop 149 and CRC volunteers, including Edgmont Township Supervisors Chip MacKrides and Ron Gravina, who exchanged greetings with golfers teeing off at the 8th hole while digging in plants. Delaware Riverkeeper Network and CRC will be working with the course management in expanding the practices to other areas of the course.

April 30, 2005

The irrigation system is operational. The modifications to the pump house are complete and the lines are under pressure. Over the next several weeks the local Toro distributor will help program the central computer which will control the system automatically. There are still some things to check and clean up but the system can be used to water the course.

As an add on to the project the irrigation system for the practice green in front of the Club House, which is independent of the main system, was expanded and its controls system upgraded. This will greatly improve the green and the area around it.

The reconfiguration of 11 is almost ready. The bent grass sod on the fairway should be playable by mid May and the new fairway sand trap will be filled with sand at that time.

The 17th tee box sod should also be playable in mid May. When the new area is opened the remainder of the box will be closed to lay sod and the new back tee on 16 will have sod laid at the same time.

Electric water coolers will replace the water buckets on the course. The was added to he original work scope. The coolers are already positioned at 5 tee and 15 tee and one will be added near the ball machine on the driving range. They should be operational by mid May.

There are a few more projects that will be done as part of this phase of the renovation. The drainage on the approach on 7 will be redone and the sand trap reshaped to prevent wash outs. The bridge on 12 will have its abutments redone.

This pump house configuration served the club since 1963
New pump house configuration

Mar 11, 2005

The irrigation contractor is installing the last mains which is on 4 fairway and the practice range. There are still a few tee boxes to complete that had to be left due to other work in the area and the final plumbing and electrical connections made. The antenna for the wireless communications to the satellite controls is installed and is visible from RT 3 on the maintenance barn.

The tee boxes on 16 & 17 and are getting ready to be graded as is and the ditch on the 11th fairway.

Jan 22, 2005

Even 14 degrees F weather does not stop the crew from keeping on schedule!. The larger pipes, the mains, are now being installed. These pipes will connect the holes to the main supply loops and connect the piping to the pump house.


Jan 12, 2005

Odds and ends are getting cleaned up and 4, 5, 6 are under way.

December 22

7 completed

7 plateau looking at the pike. Edgmont staff cut and replaced
the sod so the fairway will heal faster.
This is 3" diameter main near the large tree on 7

December 18th

8 Completed 7 underway

December 9th

15, 16 completed 8 under way

The pipe is laid out and the location of the sprinkler
heads are marked as the the contractor did on 16 Fairway
The material is staged on 8 Fairway.

Pipe is being pulled under ground by vibratory plow on 8.

The photo to the right shows how the pipe is pulled.

This equipment called a vibratory plow pulls the 2" diameter pipes under ground and simultaneously lays the wires needed to control the sprinkler heads. This picture is on 8 Fairway early December.

The result is the pipe and the wires together underground with minimal damage to the turf.

A hole is dug to prepare for installation of the sprinkler head.

November 29, 2004

14 completed and 15 underway.

November 22, 2004

18 Green and fairway completed.

Main being installed on 18th Fairway
Photo taken from same location the next work day

November 15, 2004

1, 2, 11, 12, 13 - 4 weeks 5 holes. Bank stabilization plan for Ridley Creek has started in the 7th Hole/ 8th Tee area.

(Left) Photo is of a sprinkler with swing arm. The swing arm makes it easy to set the head at grade and for the head to move independently from the supply lines. This movement is important so stress is not put into the joints when equipment runs over the sprinkler heads or as the ground moves due to frost. Photo taken on the 18th Green

Notice the control wires. Each head is turned on by a separate built in valve.

(Right) The contractor has very neat techniques of installing the pipes and the sprinkler heads. We expect very little noticeable damage to the course in the spring. Notice photo below

November 7th, 2004

Irrigation system: Most of the material has been delivered to the course. Holes 1, 2, 11 & 12 have had some of the system installed. Minimal damage to any of the fairways.

Tree removal: Trees have been removed: behind 3 green, 16 back tee and on 18 tee.

Mapping of the course by GPS has started.




Things were a bit different in 1963/64 when the original irrigation system was installed.

Larger pipes and bigger equipment was necessary.

Frank Mariani (black pants) is inspecting the ditch.



Copyright © 2004-2015 Edgmont Country Club & Edgmont Golf Club, Inc. All Rights Reserved Edgemont, PA Newtown Square, PA Phone 610.353.1800 Fax 610.353.9875