by KYW's Ed Abrams
Guess who I ran into the other day?
He was out at Edgmont Country Club hitting the
ball around as he continues a comeback from numerous
injuries in recent years -- two shoulder operations and
another to have a chipped bone taken out of his
He's working on a comeback but definitely not on any
swing changes:
"I haven't changed anything from day one, to be
honest with you. I came out here to Edgmont in
1969. Tiny Padone changed my grip, adjusted my
stance, and never changed my swing. Al Balukas has
been my best friend for all those years. Whenever
I come back, I have him look at me, but I haven't
changed anything -- that I know of."
They called him the qunitessential journeyman pro,
but that journey has been a satisfying one: a PGA Tour
victory, and then a Champions Tour windfall of nearly $6
million, including two wins.
He is one of golf's good guys. And its always nice to
spend a few minutes with ...
