/* * Name: * content_rater.js * * Description: * Defines functions for making AJAX queries via the HTTP protocol's GET method. * * Pre-conditions: * 'q' : Content Rating * 'contentId' : contentId * 'contentTypeId : contentTypeId * * Post-conditions: * - Calls the upd_content_rater.php which updates/inserts * content rating and displays RatingAvg * - Updates the hit counts, miss counts, and calculated ratings of all instances of a piece of content onscreen. * * Log: * Kripa Shenai 08/15/2006 * - Creation * Randall Betta 11/13/2006 * - Rewritten to update raw hit counts and raw miss counts. * - Altered to update all instances of the content's rating values onscreen automagically. * Randall Betta 12/01/2006 * - Renamed most functions and all global variables to avoid namespace collisions with secret_word.js. * */ var contentRatingXmlHttp; function rate_content(rating, contentTypeId, contentId) { var url; // Cast rating as a string. rating = '' + rating; // Ensure the rating string is a valid integer representation. if (rating.match(/([-])?[0-9]+/)) { url = "/upd_content_rater.php"; url += "?q=" + rating; url += "&contentTypeId=" + contentTypeId; url += "&contentId=" + contentId; url += "&sid=" + Math.random(); contentRatingXmlHttp = getContentRatingXmlHttpObject(function () { contentRatingStateChanged(contentTypeId, contentId); }) contentRatingXmlHttp.open("GET", url , true) contentRatingXmlHttp.send(null) } // End if: rating is a valid integer. } // End function: rate_content. function contentRatingStateChanged(contentTypeId, contentId) { var responseText; var propObj; var pairsArray; var pairIndex; var keyValueArray; var pairKey; var pairValue; var messageElts; var eltIndex; var messageEltId; // Returned AJAX values. var hits; var misses; var rating; var debugMsg; var userMsg; var success; if (contentRatingXmlHttp.readyState == 4 || contentRatingXmlHttp.readyState == "complete") { // If: the HTTP response is valid. responseText = contentRatingXmlHttp.responseText; // Initialize an object whose properties will be set via the AJAX response's key-value pairs. propObj = new Object(); // Parse the AJAX response for key-value pairs. Keys and values are URL-encoded, in the // form: key=value,key=value,key=value,...,key=value pairsArray = responseText.split(','); for (pairIndex = pairsArray.length - 1; pairIndex >= 0; pairIndex--) { // For: iterate through pairs. keyValueArray = (pairsArray[pairIndex]).split('='); pairKey = '' + unescape(keyValueArray[0]); pairValue = '' + unescape(keyValueArray[1]); propObj[pairKey] = pairValue; } // End for: iterate through pairs. // Store known key-value pairs as local variables. hits = propObj['hits']; isHit = propObj['isHit']; // Set to 1 if the content is a hit. misses = propObj['misses']; rating = propObj['rating']; success = propObj['success']; // Set to 1 if rating was successful. userMsg = propObj['userMsg']; // For display to the user. debugMsg = propObj['debugMsg']; // For AJAX debugging. if ('1' == ('' + success)) { // If: Rating was successful. // Update the front-end displays of this content's rating. updateHitOrMissDisplays(contentTypeId, contentId, hits, misses, rating, isHit, userMsg); } else { // Else: the content could not be rated. // Display any necessary message. if (userMsg) { // If: a message is defined. displayRatingMessages(contentTypeId, contentId, userMsg); } // End if: a message is defined. } // Else: the content could not be rated. } // End if: the HTTP response is valid. } // End function: contentRatingStateChanged. /* function rate_content(str1,str2,str3,str4) { var str = str1; if (str1.length==0) { var obj = document.getElementById(str4); if (obj) obj.innerHTML = ''; } else { var url="/upd_content_rater.php"; url=url+"?q="+str1; url=url+"&contentTypeId="+str2; url=url+"&contentId="+str3; url=url+"&sid="+Math.random(); var txtLink = "txtLink"+str4; contentRatingXmlHttp=getContentRatingXmlHttpObject(function () { contentRatingStateChanged(txtLink); }) contentRatingXmlHttp.open("GET", url , true) contentRatingXmlHttp.send(null) } } */ /* function contentRatingStateChanged(txtLink) { if (contentRatingXmlHttp.readyState==4 || contentRatingXmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { var obj = document.getElementById(txtLink); if (obj) obj.innerHTML = contentRatingXmlHttp.responseText; document.getElementById(txtLink).innerHTML = contentRatingXmlHttp.responseText } } */ function getContentRatingXmlHttpObject(handler) { var objXmlHttp = null; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")>=0) { alert("This doesn't work in Opera") return } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0) { var strName="Msxml2.XMLHTTP" if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")>=0) { strName="Microsoft.XMLHTTP" } try { objXmlHttp=new ActiveXObject(strName) objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange=handler return objXmlHttp } catch(e) { alert("Error: Scripting for ActiveX might be disabled") return } } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla")>=0) { objXmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest() objXmlHttp.onload=handler objXmlHttp.onerror=handler return objXmlHttp } } /* * Name: * updateContentRatingDisplays * * Description: * Given the contentTypeId and contentId of some content, and its hit and miss count, update any * onscreen
elements containing that content's hit-or-miss status to reflect the new numbers. * * Pre-conditions: * The following arguments are expected: * contentTypeId REQUIRED The numeric content type of the content. * contentId REQUIRED The Id of the content. * hits REQUIRED The number of positive ratings earned. * misses REQUIRED The number of negative ratings earned. * rating REQUIRED The overall derived (i.e. calculated) rating earned. * isHit REQUIRED True if the content is a hit, false if it is a miss. * message REQUIRED A message to display to the user. Can be empty. * Additionally, the HTML id properties of the
tags holding the ratings must be as follows: * The id must consist of a set of key-value pairs, with each key separated from its value * by a colon (":"). The pairs are separated from each other by a hyphen ("-"). The pairs * should be as follows: * 1: rating:hitOrMiss * 2: type:hit or type:miss or type:rating or type:message * 3: contentTypeId:43 (value for example only) * 4: contentId:23862 (value for example only) * 5: hash:1 (value for example only) * The "hash" key is an alphanumeric suffix to allow for uniqueness, since HTML does not * allow identical ID properties on different elements in the same document. * Example HTML snippet for content with 34 misses: * Misses:
* * Post-conditions: * Updates any onscreen displays of the given content's numeric hit-or-miss status. * * Libraries: * html_element_search.js * * Log: * Randall Betta 11/07/2006 * - Creation * */ function updateHitOrMissDisplays(contentTypeId, contentId, hits, misses, rating, isHit, message) { // HTML elements with nodeValues of numeric hit or miss counts, or rating totals. var hitElts; var missElts; var ratingElts; var hitGraphicElts; var missGraphicElts; // Regexes that describe the IDs of HTML elements to change. var hitEltRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:hit\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; var hitGraphicRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:hitGraphic\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; var missEltRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:miss\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; var missGraphicRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:missGraphic\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; var ratingEltRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:rating\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; // Counters and temporary variables. var eltIndex; var elt; // Obtain separate arrays of all
elements containing hit, miss, // and rating numbers, as well as messages to be displayed. hitElts = getRelatedElements('div', hitEltRegex, true, true); missElts = getRelatedElements('div', missEltRegex, true, true); ratingElts = getRelatedElements('div', ratingEltRegex, true, true); hitGraphicElts = getRelatedElements('div', hitGraphicRegex, true, true); missGraphicElts = getRelatedElements('div', missGraphicRegex, true, true); // Update the numeric hit displays. for (eltIndex = hitElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: HTML hit elements. // Store current hit element. elt = hitElts[eltIndex]; // Update its contents. try { if (elt.firstChild) { elt.firstChild.nodeValue = hits; } else { elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(hits)); } } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through HTML hit elements. // Update the numeric miss displays. for (eltIndex = missElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: HTML miss elements. // Store current miss element. elt = missElts[eltIndex]; // Update its contents. try { if (elt.firstChild) { elt.firstChild.nodeValue = misses; } else { elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(misses)); } } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through HTML miss elements. // Update the numeric rating displays. for (eltIndex = ratingElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: HTML rating elements. // Store current rating element. elt = ratingElts[eltIndex]; // Update its contents. try { if (elt.firstChild) { elt.firstChild.nodeValue = rating; } else { elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rating)); } } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through HTML miss elements. // Update the graphical hit displays. for (eltIndex = hitGraphicElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: hit graphic elements. // Store current hit graphic element. elt = hitGraphicElts[eltIndex]; // Update its visibility. try { elt.style.display = (isHit == 1) ? 'block' : 'none'; } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through hit graphic elements. // Update the graphical miss displays. for (eltIndex = missGraphicElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: miss graphic elements. // Store current miss graphic element. elt = missGraphicElts[eltIndex]; // Update its visibility. try { elt.style.display = (isHit != 1) ? 'block' : 'none'; } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through miss graphic elements. // Update the message displays. message = (message) ? message : ''; displayRatingMessages (contentTypeId, contentId, message); return; } // End function: updateHitOrMissDisplays /* * Name: * displayRatingMessages * * Description: * Displays a message to the user regarding rating a given piece of content. * * Pre-conditions: * The following arguments are expected: * contentTypeId REQUIRED The numeric content type of the content. * contentId REQUIRED The Id of the content. * message REQUIRED A message to display to the user. Can be empty. * * Post-conditions: * Updates any onscreen displays of the given content's rating messages. * * Libraries: * html_element_search.js * * Log: * Randall Betta 11/14/2006 * - Creation * */ function displayRatingMessages(contentTypeId, contentId, message) { // HTML elements with text nodes to store the message. var messageElts; var messageEltId; // Regexes that describe the IDs of HTML elements to change. var messageEltRegex = 'rating\:hitOrMiss\-type\:message\-contentTypeId\:' + contentTypeId + '\-contentId\:' + contentId + '\-hash\:([A-Za-z0-9])*'; // Counters and temporary variables. var eltIndex; var elt; // Obtain separate arrays of all
elements containing messages to be displayed. messageElts = getRelatedElements('div', messageEltRegex, true, true); // Update the message displays. message = (message) ? message : ''; for (eltIndex = messageElts.length - 1; eltIndex >= 0; eltIndex--) { // For: HTML message elements. // Store current rating element. elt = messageElts[eltIndex]; // Update its contents. try { if (elt.firstChild) { elt.firstChild.nodeValue = message; } else { elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); } messageEltId = elt.id; document.getElementById(messageEltId).style.display = 'block'; window.setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + messageEltId + "').style.display = 'none';", 3000); } catch (exc) { ; } // Silently fail on a JavaScript permissions error. } // End for: iteration through HTML message elements. return messageElts; } // End function: displayRatingMessages